A Little About Me

While the piano is my favorite instrument, I’ve been writing songs since I was 14, after my parents bought me a guitar for Christmas. I joined the folk music group at church, however my playing and writing efforts back then consisted mostly of sitting in my room at night, strumming sad songs about teen-age heartbreak.

When the modern praise and worship trend took off in the late 80’s, I felt inspired to write my own songs based on scripture. Later on, I focused on crafting kids’ songs to help teach Bible stories to young children. But aside from sharing them with family and a few close friends, the songs remained locked away in the filing cabinet of my heart. I became discouraged, felt defeated, and for over a decade, simply gave up on the dream. But you know what? I began to see that it was hurting me to just quit like that. Because, even if no one else cared about my music, God cares, since He is the giver of all creative gifts. 

My journey would resemble an EKG – some highs, some lows – but no one wants to flatline. I started writing again in 2014, but this time I was doing it for me and not to prove myself to others. It’s been a life-changing experience learning that music is all about the art and not the audience’s perception of it. This approach has led to more freedom in my writing and the finding of a style that is truly mine. Releasing my first two songs in 2022 is the accomplishment of a dream that I’ve had for nearly a quarter-century. But for me, the dream is just beginning.